JOSEFINA BRUNES: artist from Barcelona whose artistic activity is declared in the field of almost all the plastic arts.

ESPIRAL FOLK: web of the Espiral Folk association dedicated to the organization of the Folk Festival of Alberite (La Rioja, Spain)

VICTOR CEPRIÁN CORTES: Artist that undertakes different facets of the plastic arts: ceramics, sculpture, engraving, painting, mural..

ISABEL DE FRÍAS: self-taught painter born in Albacete.

MARTÍN MIERA: painter from La Rioja who utilizes in its works oils, acrylic and pastels in many different backgrounds.

MOMOITIO: basque painter.

PABLO MOMOITIO: basque digital artist.

JESÚS FONTECHA: customs and landscape photographer.

JAMES TALMADGE: american painter.

GASPAR CORTÉS ZARRIAS: plastic artist born in Jaen (Spain).

EQUIVALENTES: contemporary art team composed of Víctor Ceprián, Alfonso Caputo, Chirri and Sandro Bartolacci.

MIGUEL MARAZUELA: hiperrealist painter born in Madrid.